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Trees & Development

Advice for all tree related issues encountered throughout the development process in accordance with

BS5837: Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction, 2012.


BS5837 Tree Survey    -    Tree Constraints Plan    -    Tree Protection Plan    -  

-   Arboricultural Impact Assessment    -    Arboricultural Method Statement    -  

Planning Appeals

Local Planning Authorities expect developers to demonstrate that adequate consideration has been given to existing trees within the design of a proposed development. Trees are a material consideration within the planning process, their integration within a scheme can often make a difference, not only to the outcome of a planning submission, but also to the character and value of a completed scheme.

BS5837:2012 provides guidance for the long term retention of trees on development sites and sets out a wide range of requirements in relation to design, demolition and construction.

Sylvanarb aims to find a balance between the practicality of development and the protection of key arboricultural features, providing a complete planning support package for developers, architects and landowners.

Preferably appointed at the pre-design stage and involved throughout the design process, we provide details of the arboricultural constraints to development to help inform the layout of a scheme.

Once finalised, a detailed arboricultural impact assessment and tree protection specification is then provided to accompany your planning submission.

BS5837 recommends the provision of the following information from the design to planning stages of development:


  • Topographical Survey
  • Tree Survey
  • Tree Constraints Plan



  • Tree Protection Plan
  • Arboricultural Impact Assessment
  • Tree Protection Specification



  • Arboricultural Method Statement
  • Arboricultural Monitoring Programme

Sylvanarb is based in Medway, Kent and serves London, Berkshire, Sussex, Surrey, Essex, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.

For advice on all aspects of trees in relation to development contact us today.
