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Insurance Claims & Mortgage Reports

Whether it be that a tree is implicated in a claim for damage to a building, or whether you have concerns over the potential for a tree to cause damage, Sylvanarb will carry out an assessment of the trees and the evidence presented to advise on the best course of management required.



Where structural damage to a property has occurred, trees within close proximity are often cited as being the most likely cause of damage.  This could be a treasured tree within your property or perhaps on a neighbouring property.

All too often a tree will initially be identified as the cause of damage, sometimes without all necessary investigations having been carried out.  However before a high value tree is implicated in a claim, factual evidence of vegetation related damage should be provided.

Sylvanarb will investigate suspected tree related damage for insurance companies as well as for third party tree owners.

  • Insurers Reports:  We provide the arboricultural expertise required to assess the likelihood of vegetation related subsidence having occurred.  Investigations are carried out and the resulting findings used to determine whether surrounding vegetation is likely to have been an influencing factor in the cause of damage.
  • Third Party Reports: We will analyse all submitted evidence implicating a third party’s tree in an insurance claim, ensuring that the correct investigations have been carried out and that the results from investigations have been correctly interpreted.



Mature trees often compliment and add value to a property.  However many surveyors reports highlight existing trees as being a potential threat to a building.  This can invariably lead to misplaced concern and unnecessary precautionary tree removal. 


In many cases an arboricultural report into the likelihood of tree related damage to a property is recommended following a property survey.  Alternatively property owners may choose to have an arboricultural report carried prior to completion for their own peace of mind and to avoid any potential costs for tree work that is required to bring existing trees to an acceptable standard of management.


Our home buyers arboricultural reports consider the risk of potential tree related damage to a property arising from either direct damage (physical root action or branch/tree failure) or indirect damage (subsidence or heave).


This report will provide recommendations for the management of trees on a property in order to reduce such risk.


We recognise that there are often pressing time constraints to resolve such issues when purchasing a property and we therefore endeavour to turn these reports around in a short timeframe.

Sylvanarb is based in Medway, Kent and serves London, Surrey, Essex, Sussex, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.

Contact us today to discuss any concerns you have relating to trees and buildings.
