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High Hedges

High hedges occasionally result in conflicts between neighbours which can often be quickly resolved with expert advice and mediation, turning to formal complaints if all else fails.


Some land owners allow their hedges to develop so as to provide privacy for their property or as screens to obscure unwanted views out of their property. Of course, neighbours may well become concerned with the shade cast by the hedge and any reduction in light levels reaching their garden and house.

A complainant will be required to submit their complaint to the Local Authority who will often charge a significant non-refundable administration fee before the assessment of the hedge is carried out.

Sylvanarb provide the service of carrying out a preliminary assessment of the subject hedge prior to submission of a formal complaint, advising the complainant on the likely success of their complaint.

Conversely, should your hedge be implicated in a High Hedge Complaint,  Sylvanarb will carry out an appraisal of the assessment carried out by the Local Authority to ensure the legislation has been correctly applied, advising on the potential for a successful appeal against any Remedial Notice issued.


Our expert advice to either party ensures that you are fully advised of your rights and that the relevant aspects of the legislation are correctly applied.


Our services include:

  • General high hedge advice
  • Dispute resolution through mediation
  • High hedge assessment
  • Consultancy services to Local Authorities in respect of high hedge complaints
  • Submission of appeals to the Planning Inspectorate


Our experience has shown us that these disputes can often be best resolved through mediation finding a fair compromise for both parties.

Sylvanarb is based in Medway, Kent and serves London, Surrey, Sussex, Hertfordshire, Essex, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire.

Please contact us today to discuss your High Hedge concerns.
